Immune and cell therapies are considered the great hope in cancer therapy. Immunotherapies use the approach of fighting cancer cells with the help of one's own immune system. Cell therapies use the body's own cells to replace damaged tissues and organs, repair them or improve their biological function. In 2018, Gilead and Novartis approved CAR-T cell therapies for specific leukemias for the European market.
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A contribution by the Leistungs- und Transferzentrum Chemie- und Biosystemtechnik
The great challenge of structural change driven by climate change is a central topic of research work within the Leistungs- und Transferzentrum. This structural change forces the chemical industry to switch from linear to circular raw material and value chains. Comprehensive counselling and support for chemical and pharmaceutical companies, in particular small and medium-sized enterprises, is indispensable in this transformation.
In the coming years, Leistungs- und Transferzentrum (LTZ CBS) will be established as a think tank for chemical and biosystems technology in Central Germany and will increasingly focus on innovative topics of intelligent digitisation, such as the application of artificial intelligence, the circular economy and sector coupling, as decisive factors for long-term growth and the management of entrepreneurial and regulatory risks in regional industry.
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A contribution by Fraunhofer IKTS & Fraunhofer IZI
Materialwissenschaften und Biowissenschaften können voneinander in großem Umfang profitieren, doch dazu muss man diese zwei Welten zusammenbringen. Mit diesem Ziel wurde vor fünf Jahren das Bio-Nanotechnologie-Anwendungslabor (BNAL) als Kooperationsplattform zwischen dem Fraunhofer IKTS (Dresden) und dem Fraunhofer IZI (Leipzig) mit großzügiger Unterstützung des sächsischen SMWK am Standort in Leipzig eingerichtet. Geräte und Messverfahren der Materialwissenschaftler haben sich in dieser Zeit als höchst interessante Hilfsmittel auch für biologische Anwendungen erwiesen. Dabei wurde in den vergangenen Jahren wohl nur ein Teil der neu entdeckten Möglichkeiten richtig ausgenutzt. Auch für externe Kooperationspartner ist es mit Sicherheit von großem Vorteil die verschiedenen Kompetenzen beider Institute vor Ort praktisch zu erproben.
The number of medical imaging studies is increasing rapidly, as is the size and dimensionality of these images. Doctors interpret these images, which is time-consuming, expensive and prone to error due to visual fatigue. Recent advances in modern imaging techniques show that computers can extract more information from images, are more reliable and accurate than ever before. However, in-depth computer vision research has focused on natural images. The adaptation and further development of these techniques to the properties of medical images and medical data is an important and relevant area of research.
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e-health refers to digital applications used for the treatment and care of patients. Modern information and communication technologies (ICT) are used to process information electronically, exchange it via secure data connections and support patient treatment and care processes. The advantages of digitizing the health care system include reducing errors and costs, increasing patient safety, optimizing processes and improving the quality of information.
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Diagnostic methods are sensitive detection methods developed for qualitative and quantitative evaluation that allow rapid and accurate diagnosis of infections, heart diseases, tumors, autoimmune diseases, metabolic disorders and other diseases. Developments in modern diagnostics and personalized medicine offer improved treatment strategies to patients, medical professionals and the healthcare system.
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