Sponsor signup

Request for sponsorship package

I am/we are interested in a sponsorship or an exhibition space during the bionection on 26th and 27th February 2020 in Leipzig, Germany. A legally binding contract will be concluded separately after confirmation by the organizer.

My/our company/organization would like to participate in the bionection 2020 in Leipzig, Germany, as follows:

Exhibitor Bundles

Sponsoring Bundles

Marketing Bundles

Contact Data

This price is subject to change. Your details will be checked again by the conference team. In case of deviations, you will receive an information. Technichal restrictions of your internet browser may affect price calculation. The final price is calculated after submitting the formular.

* required entriesBy submitting the form, I declare that I have read the privacy policy and I agree that the data I provide will be collected and stored electronically.