
5th bionection, 2018 // Partnering conference celebrates its 5th anniversary in Dresden

bionection Partnering-Konferenz für Technologietransfer in den Life Sciences am 24. & 25. Oktober in Dresden

Dresden, 24.10.2018
Die Partnering-Konferenz bionection findet vom 24. bis 25. Oktober 2018 in Dresden statt. Die bionection ist das mitteldeutsche Branchentreffen der Biotechnologie und Medizintechnik und nun bereits im fünften Jahr in Folge Plattform für effizienten Technologietransfer in den Life Sciences. Vor Ort treffen führende Industrieunternehmen wie IBM Deutschland, Siemens Healthineers, Roche Diagnostics oder Jenoptik auf Forscher aus exzellenten öffentlichen Einrichtungen wie der Technischen Universität Dresden, dem Universitätsklinikum Carl Gustav Carus Dresden sowie mehreren Fraunhofer- und Leibniz-Instituten. Thematische Schwerpunkte sind in diesem Jahr: Medizintechnik, Smart Medical Devices, Diagnostik | Analytik, neue onkologische Konzepte und Bioinformatik.

Zum fünften Mal bringt die bionection Wissenschaftler aus exzellenten Forschungs-einrichtungen, Technologietransferexperten und innovative Wachstumsunternehmen zusammen und bietet eine Plattform für neue Kooperationsprojekte und effizienten Technologietransfer. Neben Großunternehmen wie Siemens oder IBM tragen auch Experten von aufstrebenden kleinen und mittelständischen Unternehmen (oncgnostics, VivoSensMedical, Epitopic) und öffentlichen Forschungseinrichtungen (Universität Freiburg, Institut für Mikrosystemtechnik, Fraunhofer IKTS und IWU) zum wissenschaftlichen Programm bei. Zusätzlich widmet sich eine Podiumsdiskussion der Frage „Wer soll das bezahlen? Finanzierung technischer Innovationen im Gesundheitswesen“.

Als Ausgangspunkt für neue strategische Partnerschaften zwischen Wissenschaft und Industrie bündelt die bionection das Entwicklungspotential von Wissenschaft und Wirtschaft in Sachsen, Sachsen-Anhalt und Thüringen und ebnet den Weg für eine international durchsetzungsstarke Life-Sciences-Branche in Mitteldeutschland. „Ich freue mich, dass sich die bionection in den letzten fünf Jahren als eine gute Plattform für neue Kooperationsprojekte und effizienten Technologietransfer in den Lebenswissenschaften etablieren konnte. Die Sächsische Staatsregierung unterstützt Kooperationen und Innovationen. Denn nur damit können wir den Herausforderungen im zumeist globalen Wettbewerb begegnen. Kooperation und Innovation sind die besten Rezepte für unsere kleinteilig geprägte Wirtschaft.“, so Martin Dulig, Sächsischer Staatsminister für Wirtschaft, Arbeit und Verkehr, der die Konferenz als Ehrengast mit Grußworten bereichern wird.

Mit insgesamt fünf hochkarätigen Keynotes, über 30 weiteren Vorträgen und Short-Pitches, sowie Kooperationsangeboten und Workshops bildet die bionection die mitteldeutsche Leitkonferenz der Bereiche Biotechnologie und Medizintechnik. Ein wesentlicher Bestandteil der bionection ist auch in diesem Jahr das Partnering, um die Teilnehmer online miteinander zu vernetzen und zielorientiert Business-Meetings für die beiden Konferenztage zu vereinbaren. Zu der Konferenz werden bis zu 250 Gäste erwartet.

Begleitet wird die bionection in diesem Jahr vom zweitägigen Innovationforum flexMED, welches sich tiefgreifend mit den Trends und Herausforderungen der flexiblen Elektronik in der Medizintechnik beschäftigt. Am 25.10.2018 findet außerdem das 2. Life-Sciences-Forum Sachsen im Rahmen der bionection statt. Dabei wird das Thema "Life-Sciences-Innovationen schneller in die Gesundheitsversorgung bringen" im Fokus stehen.

biosaxony Management GmbH – der Veranstalter der bionection

Der Veranstalter der bionection ist die biosaxony Management GmbH – eine Tochter des gesamtsächsische Verbandes für Biotechnologie und Medizintechnik, biosaxony e.V., zu dessen Mitgliedern Unternehmen, wissenschaftliche Einrichtungen sowie Interessenvertreter und Zulieferbetriebe der Branche zählen. Die biosaxony Management GmbH organisiert das Innovationscluster Smart Medical Devices and Therapies, dessen Jahreskonferenz die bionection darstellt.
Aufgaben des Innovationsclusters sind u.a. die Initiierung von Projekten zwischen Wirtschaft und Wissenschaft, die Vermittlung von Services und Know-how sowie die Darstellung regionaler Kompetenzen, um den wertschöpfenden Ausbau dieser Querschnittstechnologien zu unterstützen und die Wirtschaftsregion Sachsen zu stärken. Darüber hinaus ist die Förderung junger innovativer Unternehmen eines der Hauptanliegen des Clusters. www.biosaxony.com

bionection 2018

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bionection 2018

© Photos: Steffen Runke

Program 2018

See agenda, keynote speakers & winner of the Trophy from 2018.

Sponsors, Partners & Exhibitors 2018

adSphere GmbH
BIO Deutschland
BioEconomy Cluster
DiagnostikNet-BB e.V.
Drees & Sommer Projektmanagement und bautechnische Beratung GmbH
DRESDEN Technologieportal
Förderberatung „Forschung und Innovation“ des Bundes
GoigPublic Plattform Life Sciences
Hightech Venture Days 2018
InfectoGnostics Forschungscampus Jena e.V.
InnovationLab GmbH
INTAVIS Bioanalytical Instruments AG
KPMG AG Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft
LEG Thüringen
Leibniz Gesundheitstechnologien
Leibniz-Institut für Photonische Technologien e.V.
LGH Leipziger Gewerbehof GmbH & Co. KG
Life Science Inkubator Sachsen GmbH & Co. KG
Lipotype GmbH
Maikowski & Ninnemann Patentanwälte · Partnerschaft mbB
MedicalMountains GmbH
Organic Electronics Saxony e. V.
Prismade Labs GmbH
Silicon Saxony
Staatliche Studienakademie Riesa
Universität Leipzig, Zentrum für klinische Studien
Wirtschaftsförderung Sachsen GmbH
World Courier (Deutschland) GmbH

4th bionection, 2017 // State-of-the-art biotech research meets global market leaders in Jena

On 17 and 18 October 2017, the bionection - Partnering Conference for Technology Transfer in Life Sciences opened its doors for the fourth time.

Thuringia was the focus of attention as a Central German life sciences region this year. More than 40 companies and institutes exchanged views on new possibilities and approaches for cooperation in the Volksbad Jena. The host biosaxony and the regional organizer InfectoGnostics are very pleased about the great success of the central German partnering conference.

The biosaxony team would like to thank the supporters, sponsors and exhibitors, the participants and the long-standing and new partners for the successful event.

We look forward to seeing you again in Dresden in October 2018!

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bionection 2017

© Photos: Steffen Walther Photo | Graphics
// www.steffenwalther-photographics.de

Program 2017

See agenda & winner of the Trophy from 2017.

Sponsors, Partners & Exhibitors 2017

Alere Technologies GmbH
Beckman Coulter
BIO Deutschland
BIO-NET LEIPZIG Technologietransfergesellschaft mbH 
Blink AG 
bm|t - Beteiligungsmanagement Thüringen GmbH
Carl Zeiss Microscopy GmbH
GoingPublic Plattform Life Sciences
Heraeus Quarzglas GmbH & Co. KG 
InfectoGnostics Forschungscampus Jena e.V.
KPMG AG Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft
LEG Thüringen
Leibnitz Gesundheitstechnologien
Life Science Inkubator Sachsen GmbH & Co. KG
Lipotype GmbH
Maikowski & Ninnemann Patentanwälte · Partnerschaft mbB
medways e.V.
neoplas tools GmbH
Quantifoil Instruments GmbH
RapidObject GmbH 
Silicon Saxony
SmartDyelivery GmbH 
Wirtschaftsförderung Sachsen GmbH
Wirtschaftsförderungsgesellschaft Jena

3rd bionection, 2016 // Beyond the national boundaries to Halle (Saale)

bionection Partnering Conference for Technology Transfer in Life Sciences 2016 brought biotech, biomedical engineering and entrepreneurs together from different regions

 +++ Biggest life sciences industry gathering in Central Germany held in Halle (Saale) +++ 2016 Science Start-Up Forum +++ Biotech meets biomedical engineering +++ bionection Technology Transfer Trophy awarded +++

Technology transfer and entrepreneurialism: Once again, bionection provided an excellent platform for sharing ideas and initiating collaboration in central Germany.

Held for the third time, the international technology transfer conference on 18 and 19 October at the Leopoldina National Academy of Sciences in Halle (Saale) drew some 175 participants. They spent two days debating current aspects of biotech and biomedical engineering.

bionection was accompanied by the 2016 Science Start-Up Forum organized by technology centre and incubator TGZ Halle. Thomas Wünsch, Saxony-Anhalt’s State Secretary of Economic Affairs, Science and Digitalization, declared: “Through the Science Start-Up Forum and other projects, we intend to nurture the development of this excellent research location into an outstanding hotspot for scientific start-ups.” “Combining bionection with the Science Start-Up Forum generated outstanding opportunities for our participants to meet key representatives from business, science and politics,” emphasized André Hofmann, CEO of biosaxony e. V. “We are extremely pleased that bionection has grown into a multi-regional platform generating interdisciplinary synergies between the central German states of Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt and Thuringia.”

Every year, biosaxony presents the bionection Technology Transfer Trophy (T³) at the conference party for the successful translation of an idea into commercialization. This time it was awarded for the validation project denovoMATRIX recently launched at B-CUBE in Dresden. T³ was sponsored for the second time by KPMG AG, which donated prize money of €1,500 and a voucher for consulting services in order to support both technology transfer and the start-up spirit.

The whole team from biosaxony would like to express their gratitude to the supporters, sponsors and exhibitors, participants, and both new and long-standing partners.

© Photos: Marco Warmuth | Fotografie

Winner of the Trophy 2016

See who won the T³ Technology Transfer Trophy in 2016.

Sponsors, Partners & Exhibitors 2016

AGIL GmbH Leipzig
Alere Technologies GmbH
BIO Deutschland
BIOCOM AG - |transkript
BioEconomy Cluster
BIO-NET LEIPZIG Technologietransfergesellschaft mbH
BioSAM Wachstumskern (Biologische Sensor-Aktor-Systeme für vernetztes technisches Management)
Clusterplattform Deutschland / go-cluster
CMS Hasche Sigle Partnerschaft von Rechtsanwälten und Steuerberatern mbB
ecSeq Bioinformatics GmbH
Elsevier GmbH
Gründerforum Naturwissenschaften Sachsen-Anhalt 2016
IMG - Investitions- und Marketinggesellschaft Sachsen-Anhalt mbH
InfectoGnostics Forschungscampus Jena e.V.
KPMG AG Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft
LEG Thüringen
Leibnitz Gesundheitstechnologien
Lipotype GmbH
Maikowski & Ninnemann Patentanwälte · Partnerschaft mbB
oncgnostics GmbH
Sonovum AG
Technologiepark Weinberg Campus Halle e.V.
TGZ Halle GmbH
Thermo Fisher Scientific Life Technologies GmbH
thyssenkrupp AG
Wirtschaftsförderung Sachsen GmbH

2nd bionection, 2015 // BIO CITY LEIPZIG lures with interesting partners

bionection Partnering Conference for Technology Transfer in the Life Sciences on 1 & 2 October in Leipzig – Partner country: Poland

+++ Partnering event for the life sciences opens today in Leipzig +++ Host biosaxony welcomes international scientists and businesses to Saxony +++ bionection Technology Transfer Trophy to be awarded for the first time +++ Bio-Nanotechnology-Application Lab opens

Leipzig, October 1, 2015
bionection, the international partnering conference for technology transfer, is opening today for the second time. At BIO CITY LEIPZIG, scientists will have the opportunity over the next two days to present their innovative transferable ideas to potential industry partners during several thematic panels and pitch presentations. The accompanying industrial exhibition on an area of 200 square metres, the poster session and one-on-one partnering will provide additional opportunities for intensive networking and doing business. The first day of this two-day event will wind down with the ‘SAXONY! Get-Together’ at the Leipzig Moritzbastei. On the second day of bionection, permanent secretary Uwe Gaul from the SMWK Saxon Ministry of Science and the Arts will open the BNAL Bio-Nanotechnology-Application Lab. First glimpses of the new laboratory will be provided by Professor Frank Emmrich from the IZI Fraunhofer Institute for Cell Therapy and Immunology and Professor Alexander Michaelis from the IKTS Fraunhofer Institute for Ceramic Technologies and Systems.

Instead of being hidden behind laboratory doors, findings from basic and applied research need to be translated into marketable products! bionection provides an ideal platform for commercialization. It covers a very wide range of current research areas in the life sciences, including diagnostics, biomedical engineering, veterinary medicine, identifying and designing active agents, and cell therapies. With this year’s partner country being Poland, a special workshop devoted to internationalization will be held and a Polish company will be reporting on its experience. Dr Jacek Robak, envoy and counsellor at the Polish Embassy, will also address the participants at the official opening of bionection. The idea behind the country focus is to intensify collaboration with Eastern Europe.

Particular emphasis will be placed on pairing up through one-on-one partnering. In addition, participants can take advantage of ten-minute pitches and the poster exhibition to explain their ideas. Of course, projects need to be presented accurately and convincingly if industry partners are to sit up and take notice! And in addition, as well as being an intensive platform designed to forge collaboration, bionection intends to equip participating researchers with the expertise required for successful technology transfer by hosting four interactive workshops on finance, patents, internationalization and clinical trials.

Companies and other disseminators will be showcasing themselves at the industry exhibition – a forum to meet researchers and other companies in the international life science sector. “bionection is responding to the regional demand for a platform in order to transfer the results of outstanding research to commercialization,” emphasized André Hofmann, CEO of biosaxony e. V. “We are delighted this year to have keynotes by B. Braun Avitum Saxonia GmbH, Merck Serono, Miltenyi Biotech GmbH and others. The high number of registrations for presentations underlines that bionection delivers ground-breaking initiatives. The latest Biotech Report also shows that the transfer landscape needs to continue to be supported by events like this,” concluded André Hofmann. And he added: “biosaxony will continue to strive to be a transparent interface between business and science. To this end, for the first time we will be presenting the bionection Technology Transfer Trophy together with a cheque for €1,500.”

Roland Göhde, Chairman of biosaxony e. V., declared: “Highlights this year include the fact that the SBTT Saxon Biotechnology Symposium is being held in conjunction with bionection, and the opening of the BNAL Bio-Nanotechnology-Application Lab. We are proud of the regional support from the University of Leipzig and local institutions. This packed programme will reveal how new opportunities and synergies for trends and developments can be discovered and harnessed.”

“The BNAL Bio-Nanotechnology-Application Lab is a facility for industry partners where technically sophisticated interdisciplinary projects in medicine and biotechnology can be expertly carried out,” emphasized permanent secretary Uwe Gaul from the SMWK Saxon Ministry of Science and the Arts. Founded in Leipzig by the two Fraunhofer institutes IKTS and IZI, BNAL has received financial support from the SMWK with the help of the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) to the tune of €3 million.

Organizer biosaxony is expecting 200 participants from science, industry and technology transfer. They can look forward to two days of stimulating debate and fascinating sessions.

On the evening of the first day, the SMWA Saxon Ministry of Economic Affairs, Labour and Transport and the WFS Saxony Economic Development Corporation will be jointly hosting the ‘SAXONY! Get-Together’ at the Leipzig Moritzbastei. bionection participants will have free admission.

Ausstellung bionection

© Photos: Hans-Georg Unrau, Jürgen Jeibmann Photographik

Winner of the Trophy 2015

See who won the T³ Technology-Transfer-Trophy in 2015, which was awarded for the first time by the organizer at the 2nd bionection.

Sponsors, Partners & Exhibitors 2015

BIOCOM AG - |transkript
BIO-NET LEIPZIG Technologietransfergesellschaft mbH 
Centrum BadaƄ DNA, Polen
Fraunhofer-Institut für Keramische Technologien und Systeme IKTS
Fraunhofer-Institut für Zelltherapie und Immunologie IZI
Große Kreisstadt Radeberg
Große Kreisstadt Radebeul, Wirtschaftsförderung Radebeul
High Tech Startbahn Netzwerk e.V.
KPMG AG Wirtschaftsprüfergesellschaft
Landeshauptstadt Dresden, Amt für Wirtschaftsförderung
Life Science Inkubator Sachsen GmbH & Co. KG
Lipotype GmbH
Maikowski & Ninnemann Patentanwälte · Partnerschaft mbB
SelfDiagnostics Deutschland GmbH
Silicon Saxony
Stadt Leipzig, Amt für Wirtschaftsförderung
Universität Leipzig
Wirtschaftsförderung Sachsen GmbH

1st bionection, 2014 // Premiere in Dresden

Successful start of the technology transfer conference bionection

+++ Two-day partnering event for the life sciences celebrates its premiere +++ 200 participants from science and business are guests in Dresden +++ Panel sessions addressing current focal points of research and 1-on-1 partnering provide an ideal platform for initiating co-operations

Dresden, 10 October 2014
Initiating co-operations, technology transfer and commercialization of research results – these were the main themes of the partnering event bionection that took place for the very first time. For two days, the DFG Research Center and Cluster of Excellence at the TU Dresden was crowded with experts from the sciences and business debating current focal points of research in the life sciences and talking about future partnering.

The organizers from biosaxony have every reason to be satisfied: “The pilot exercise to establish an international life science conference focusing on technology transfer was definitely a success”, said André Hofmann, CEO of biosaxony after the event. “200 participants and more than 70 pitch presentations of scientific ideas show the enormous demand for such a platform that helps transferring ideas from the sciences into business”, he summed up. Indeed, the demand obviously exists on both sides as participants from the sciences and business were about equal in number.

Welcoming guests from nine different countries, “bionection” also proved to be able to provide a platform structure for technology transfer that goes beyond the national perspective. This was also confirmed by the presentation of Hungary, this year’s priority country: It organized its own panel on “Green Biotechnology / Food” and emphasized the need for more co-operation and partnering efforts directed towards Eastern Europe.

The six central theme panels covered the topics bioengineering/ biomaterials, bioinformatics, medical technology, new technologies/diagnostics and therapeutics/vaccines/drugs. The accompanying workshops addressing issues like strategies for initiating co-operations of the handling of promising research ideas also enjoyed great popularity. Overall, the bionection experience showed the enormous demand for the creation of structures supporting technology and know-how transfer within the life science industry.

In particular, the 1-on-1 partnering was very well received. It gave participants the opportunity to directly contact and arrange meetings with potential co-operation partners already before the start of the conference. Adding up to 140 partnering meetings, more than 50 percent of the participants used this opportunity which is a remarkable result for a newly established partnering tool.

Additionally, the accompanying industry exhibition and the exhibitor’s evening on October 9 were heavily used for networking and sharing ideas.

With the expert talk “Dealmaking with Industry – Dos and DONTs” and after two intense conference days, this year’s bionection has closed its doors this afternoon. The second bionection will take place in Leipzig on October 1 and 2, 2015.

© Photos: Michael Sperl

Sponsors, Partners & Exhibitors 2014

BIO-NET LEIPZIG Technologietransfergesellschaft mbH
BCNP Consultants GmbH
BIOCOM AG - |transkript
Biotype Diagnostic GmbH
C3 Saxony
Große Kreisstadt Radeberg
Große Kreisstadt Radebeul, Wirtschaftsförderung Radebeul
Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforschung Leipzig (UFZ)
HOFFMANN EITLE | Patent- und Rechtsanwälte PartmbB
Konica Minolta
Landeshauptstadt Dresden
Life Science Inkubator Sachsen GmbH & Co. KG
Lipotype GmbH
Maikowski & Ninnemann Patentanwälte · Partnerschaft mbB
Qualitype GmbH
ROTOP Pharmaka AG
Sächsisches Staatsministerium für Wissenschaft und Kunst
Salans FMC SNR Denton Europe LLP
SMILE - Die Gründerinitiative
Transinsight GmbH
Translationszentrum für Regenerative Medizin Leipzig
Universität Leipzig
Wirtschaftsföderung Sachsen GmbH